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Jun 28, 2021
'Motherhood in dance'
I grew up thinking that ballerinas had to wait until retirement to have babies, since dedicating their body and soul to the profession allow

May 4, 2021
Dancers' wellbeing
A month ago I was asked to collaborate on building a platform that would help support dancers' mental and physical health, and since then,

Mar 8, 2021
What keeps us going
I started this blog thinking that there would be plenty of enriching experiences in the theatre throughout the season that I could be

Feb 21, 2021
Eco-friendly steps
One fine summer day, about two years ago, my friend Mayara handed me a dvd called The Biggest little Farm. Pictured on the cover were a rust

Feb 2, 2021
A place to call home
For the past seventeen years, returning to my home country has been a bittersweet experience. The moment I land in Guarulhos Airport

Nov 8, 2020
Daily rituals
There is such mystery surrounding a ballerina’s life and what lies behind-the-scenes of making the magic happen on stage. How many hours a

Oct 1, 2020
Life choices
Our lives are made up of the decisions we make, infinite moments of diverging pathways and choices. Small ones, like what to have for dinner

Sep 11, 2020
'Survival mode'
Survival mode is how I learned to describe that feeling of trying to get through my days in utter exhaustion, completely burned out. It all

Aug 27, 2020
Preparing for a role
The last-minute arrival of a casting sheet causes a cluster of dancers to gather around the notice board in all eagerness. I try to squeeze

Aug 20, 2020
Saluting the Queen
Ever since I joined The Royal Ballet and moved to London, I feel a great sense of belonging. I love the theatre and this company

Jul 29, 2020
When mom comes to visit
‘Isabella! How are you? How’s your mom?!'
Everybody asks me the same question. Marcia Lago leaves her mark wherever she goes, everyone

Jul 1, 2020
It's show time!
And so, it begins. That familiar voice on the tannoy is the dancers' wake up call, a reminder that the performance is approaching. All backs

Jun 17, 2020
In Times of Uncertainty
In a recent interview, as I was retelling the story of how I quit my job at Northern Ballet without a clue as to how my career would unfold

Jun 4, 2020
The Balancing Act
I always felt like I was leading two distinct lives: one of family, relationships, the outside world, and one of vocation, devotion, the bal

May 21, 2020
What does dance mean to you?
Dance is a form of expression that has been around since the start of civilization. Our ancestors danced to the gods in religious, celebrato
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